Yoga Lifestyle8 Alternative Yoga Therapies: Conditions it Can Help Treat

8 Alternative Yoga Therapies: Conditions it Can Help Treat

Historically, yoga has been widely recognized for its mind and body benefits- from relaxation and improved flexibility to stress relief and toned muscles. More recently, doctors and scientists are beginning to realize that the benefits actually go much deeper.

In fact, yoga is becoming a respected alternative therapy that’s regularly incorporated into a comprehensive treatment plan for many health conditions. The beauty of yoga as an alternative therapy is that it’s a low-impact form of exercise that anyone can learn. 

The health benefits of yoga are truly accessible to everyone. And, adding yoga to your daily routine may not only improve your health but also your quality of life. In this article, we’re going to explore eight conditions that yoga can help with, according to modern science.

  1. Yoga for Chronic Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

The stress-relieving benefits of yoga are widely recognized. A study published by the University of Utah shows that regular yoga practice can improve your tolerance to stress. Regular yoga practice also teaches you stress-relieving strategies, such as meditation and relaxation, that you can use to lower your stress response in daily life.

While stress and anxiety are two separate conditions, they often go hand-in-hand. Yoga is widely recommended for use as an alternative therapy to help patients cope with and reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

Depression is another common condition that is often related to stress and anxiety. People who suffer from high levels of depression can see a dramatic reduction in their symptoms with regular yoga practice, especially when it is used in conjunction with conventional treatments.

Low levels of the neurotransmitter GABA have been linked to depression. Research shows that practicing yoga regularly can increase GABA levels, not only reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression but also improving your mood overall. In fact, practicing yoga regularly can also help with anger and impulse control.

But even more than that, chronic stress is a major contributor to a weakened immune system and many chronic health conditions. Reducing your overall stress and anxiety level can reduce your risk of illness and chronic disease, as well as improve your quality of life on a daily basis.

  1. Yoga for Fertility Issues

Fertility experts at The Yinova Center often recommend yoga as an alternative therapy for fertility issues. Yoga calms the parasympathetic nervous system using relaxation and breathing techniques. Incorporating yoga into daily life helps women who are struggling with fertility to feel less anxious and stressed, which is key for healthy hormone balance.

Yoga also utilizes opening postures that improve blood flow to the pelvic floor and reproductive organs. This can improve overall reproductive health and may increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Yoga also helps women maintain a healthy weight, not only through exercise but also by encouraging mindful eating and healthier food choices.

  1. Yoga for Menopause Symptoms

Yoga may also provide additional benefits for women who are going through menopause. Restorative yoga can decrease hot flashes by up to 30 percent. In addition, yoga can boost energy and moods, while reducing stress, anxiety, and physical and sexual discomforts that are often associated with menopause.

  1. Yoga for Heart Disease

Of course, the stress-relieving benefits of yoga are wonderful for heart health. Studies show that regular yoga practice. can even lower your risk of heart disease, especially when incorporated into an overall healthy lifestyle. But even more than that, yoga as a low-impact exercise can also reduce the symptoms of heart disease and support recovery after a cardiac event.

Yoga is beneficial for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart rates, as well as slowing the progression of atherosclerosis. These are all factors that increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. 

Although most forms of exercise are good for the heart, yoga offers some unique benefits all of its own. It seems that the meditative component of yoga practice may also stabilize the endothelium, which is the lining of the blood vessels that contribute to heart disease.

The endothelium is negatively impacted by stress. Meditation reduces stress and lowers the level of stress hormones, which further reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.

  1. Yoga for Chronic Back Pain

The benefits of yoga for chronic pain are multifaceted. Regular stretching through yoga postures reduces muscle tension and spasms, as well as pain. Yoga also helps patients through the emotional stress and depression that often accompany chronic pain.

  1. Yoga for Age-Related Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline is a common issue as we age but practicing yoga regularly may help slow down this process. Research shows that people who practice yoga consistently over time have improved brain health, particularly in the areas of the brain that are responsible for awareness, focus, and memory.

  1. Yoga for Thyroid Issues

Thyroid issues are often related to stress, so it’s no surprise that regular yoga practice can help with thyroid-related problems. Studies show that the relaxation and breathing techniques that are such a major part of yoga can be beneficial for both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

The thyroid gland produces many key hormones, including hormones that affect metabolism, body temperature, and energy levels. Thyroid issues can take a toll on both mental and physical health. Regular yoga practice can boost the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the body, possibly reducing the need for thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

The thyroid is located in the throat, poses that strengthen and stretch the neck, such as cobra and bridge pose, will be especially beneficial for thyroid issues.

  1. Yoga for Diabetes

Studies also show that regular yoga practice can significantly reduce blood glucose levels in patients who have type 2 diabetes. Patients who participated in the study showed a slower progression of the disease and they were able to reduce their dependence on medication.

Wrapping Things Up 

While it’s clear that yoga can be an effective complementary therapy for many existing conditions, it’s also important to note that yoga can play a major role in reducing illness and chronic disease. That’s because yoga supports a healthy immune system by lowering stress levels and boosting circulation.

With regular yoga practice, you may experience a multitude of mental and physical health benefits in your daily life, even if you don’t have a chronic condition.

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