Yoga Lifestyle5 Amazing Asanas That Can Be Practised Using Yoga Wheels

5 Amazing Asanas That Can Be Practised Using Yoga Wheels

Making you yoga practice fun, innovative and exciting using a Yoga Wheel!

Yes that’s right ! Practicing Yoga on wheels can help you immensely in back-bends. Once you get comfortable using these yoga wheels, you can explore various other core-strengthening and balancing poses and have some fun with this unique, innovative and exciting Yoga prop!

Here are a few asanas that can be practiced on Yoga Wheels.

Matsyasana or Fish Pose

Lean back over the wheel and stretch your legs out in front. With your upper back resting on the wheel, spread your arms on either side and relax! Let the chest expand with every inhalation.

You can also stretch your hands back, bend the elbows and grip the wheel with both hands.

Sethu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose

Maneuver the wheel so it can support your back as you lift for Sethu Bandhasana. Rest your shoulders on the mat and stretch the hands forward towards the ankle or hold the wheel from either side. Allow the mid &lower back and sit bones to rest on the wheel. You can bend the knees outward to adjust, improve balance and stay longer in the pose.

Kapotasana or Full Pigeon Pose

The wheel can help you get into a full pigeon pose with ease. Start from Virasana and rest your back on the wheel. With your elbows bent (pointing back), reach out and hold the wheel with both the hands. Rest in this back-bend and inhale deeply!

Hanumanasana or Straight Split

Place the wheel under the ankle of the front leg (the back leg stretched as in a split) and slowly shift your weight back over the pelvis. Adjust the wheel accordingly to get into a deeper stretch.

Core Strengthening Exercises

You can also use the wheel to balance in Virabhadrasana (Warrior 1), Urdhva Dhanurasana (Full wheel pose), Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm stand), Vrschikasana (Scorpion), etc and also try and use it for core-strengthening exercises like balancing one leg on the wheel in a Plank and moving in and out from Downward Dog to Plank.

About JURU Yoga

JURU Yoga is an eco-conscious brand, started by yogi’s who understand the modern yoga needs. From first of it’s kind eco-friendly yoga mats to a range of durable yoga props, JURU products speak of style, comfort and quality. To learn more about our JURU yoga mats and props (Bolsters, Knee-Pillows, Cushions etc.), please visit our products page.


  • Anamaya Resort

    You can use a yoga wheel to gain flexibility and mobility, strength and stability – perfect for enhancing any of your other fitness routines. A yoga wheel helps those who want to push their asanas and abilities to the next level. It allows the yogi opportunities that may not otherwise be achievable. For those who are looking at shedding the extra fat in your body, yoga wheel is the best prop to use.

  • Anamaya Resort

    You can use a yoga wheel to gain flexibility and mobility, strength and stability – perfect for enhancing any of your other fitness routines. A yoga wheel helps those who want to push their asanas and abilities to the next level. It allows the yogi opportunities that may not otherwise be achievable. For those who are looking at shedding the extra fat in your body, yoga wheel is the best prop to use.

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JURU is a portmanteau of JUte and RUbber and our first mat overlay was made of jute and natural rubber. ‘juu-roo’ also means ‘eureka’, ‘joy’ in a few tribal languages. Instead of crying Eureka we cried JURU! And this is precisely what JURU is – a perfect yoga companion for yogis who wish to choose the eco-friendly path.

We wanted mats and props to reflect and value the peaceful principles that yoga embodies; one of which is to establish perfect harmony with nature. Taking inspiration from some wonderful international eco-yoga brands and from the make-in-India campaign, we launched our first made-in-India anti-slip yoga mat overlay.


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