“We wanted mats and props to reflect and value the peaceful principles that yoga embodies; one of which is to establish perfect harmony with nature. Taking inspiration from some wonderful international eco-yoga brands and from the make-in-India campaign, we launched our first made-in-India anti-slip yoga mat overlay..”
Hi! My name is Puja and I’m here to help you find your perfect yoga Mat - ch !

A perfect yoga mat to perfect those asanas.
The quest to find a good mat started when I was struggling with grip on my regular PVC mat during the teacher’s training course in 2014. With long hours of practice, the mat was tough to maintain and had started slipping, flaking and smelling! The search for good yoga mats resulted in educating myself with popular and sustainable yoga brands and also learning about the detrimental effects PVC/TPE/Micro Fiber and other synthetic mats have on our body and the environment at large. Yoga as a practice helps us nourish our body and mind and as a way of life, it teaches us to live in harmony with nature and respect Mother Earth – not destroy it. A green future is possible if you and I accept our present responsibility and act consciously.‘juu-roo’ means ‘joy and happiness’ in native tribal languages around the world.
A Quality product from the birthplace of Yoga !
JURU is a portmanteau of JUte and RUbber and our first mat overlay was made of jute and natural rubber. ‘juu-roo’ also means ‘eureka’, ‘joy’ in a few tribal languages. Instead of crying Eureka we cried JURU! And this is precisely what JURU is – a perfect yoga companion for yogis who wish to choose the eco-friendly path. We wanted mats and props to reflect and value the peaceful principles that yoga embodies; one of which is to establish perfect harmony with nature. Taking inspiration from some wonderful international eco-yoga brands and from the make-in-India campaign, we launched our first made-in-India anti-slip yoga mat overlay. Our happy customers wanted us to make all natural thick yoga mats and get creative with yoga props, so we continued our R&D. We discovered a unique blend of cork and natural rubber, and gave yogis their very first all natural, reversible, antimicrobial, washable mat with unmatched grip ideal for everyday practice. Today we have a variety of cork and natural rubber mats that come in different colors, weight and thickness.JURU has grown from being a product name to being a made-in-India yoga brand that strives to deliver innovative, comfortable and trending, eco-friendly yoga mats, props and accessories made from unique and sustainable resources like cork, jute, natural rubber, cotton, etc., for yoga-lovers across the globe.
We believe that JURU products are not an outcome of long hours of brainstorming and hard-work alone, but also of love, built to celebrate yoga’s many triumphs, a gift from one yogi to another, a gift from a yogi to nature!